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Spellbound Moon Page 21
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Page 21
She scowled. “I should be that lucky,” she muttered before continuing in a firmer voice. “This is the beginning. I have no idea why I’m suddenly hungry. I shouldn’t be.”
He looked her over, assessing the little he knew. She was in heat so she was fertile, but even if they’d gotten her pregnant, her body shouldn’t be adjusting to those needs so soon. Besides she would have taken steps to prevent pregnancy before she came to Harris. Lupines never used condoms. They were immune to the diseases that plagued mankind and pregnancy could be prevented with a simple herbal brew. There was only one other explanation for her unexpected appetite then. He hesitated to bring the subject up, but… “You haven’t been with your mate during heat before.”
He got an angry look for that, and she covered her neck with her hands, like she was afraid he’d marked her and she’d somehow missed it. “I doubt that’s it,” she grumbled. “And don’t get any ideas. This is not a permanent arrangement.”
Yeah, we’ll see about that. He exchanged a look with Harris and knew he was thinking the same thing. They had no intention of letting her walk away. She belonged with them as much as they belonged with her. Going back to the way things were would a soul deep pain he doubted he’d recover from. So they’d fight for her. It was a fight he couldn’t contemplate losing. He didn’t want to make her angry enough she’d leave before they set their plan in motion, though, so he only nodded. By then, they’d reached the pub, and he steeled himself to enter. He could already smell them. Men. Young, old, available and not. And under that, sinking talons into his mind, was Gabby’s scent. The intensity of the heat.
This was a bad idea, but she entered before he could stop her. He had no choice but to follow. Only the werewolves looked up at their entrance, and those gazes lingered over Gabby a moment. How many knew she was in heat? How the hell did he control his wolf’s instincts to grab her up, toss her over his shoulder, and get the hell out of there?
She didn’t give him a chance. Her gaze swept over the crowded space, and she set off for a booth on the back wall. He followed, managed to return the bartender’s nod as he passed, and took a seat with the wall at his back. Harris sat across from him and Gabby to his left, exposed to the room. He repressed a growl and nudged her to stand. She’d be by the wall where he could protect her. When she was on her feet, she glared and was anything but obliging.
“I’m going to say hi to Harper. Order me a beer, will you?”
She took off before he could protest, and Harris grabbed his arm so he couldn’t follow.
“She’s fine,” he said softly as a waitress approached and set down three mugs. Was it good or bad the bartender knew them well enough to anticipate their drink order? Once she’d gone, Harris pulled the potion from his pocket and put an equal amount in every beer. He returned the bottle to his pocket and lifted the glass, tipping it toward Ethan. “Ready?”
Ethan was not as eager, but he picked up the drink at the same time Gabby returned. This time he bullied her into the inside of the booth, but he got the feeling she was just humoring him and not accepting the protection of a mate. The waitress returned for their order, and they all drank. He didn’t breathe easy until, mostly done with her glass, she ordered another beer. There was no way she could skip drinking her whole share of the potion now.
They ate the meal with small talk, nothing of consequence, but it filled him with a sense of contentment even as he felt the heat rising, faster and harder until it was consuming, in Gabby. Harris paid before they were finished, and as soon as she took the last bite of steak, Gabby rose. There was no lingering, and it was a damned good thing. Much longer and he’d take her on the table, demonstrate his mastery of her and show everyone she was already claimed.
Thankfully, it didn’t come to such a public loss of control. She’d probably scratch out his eyes if he attempted it. He let a grin slip as he followed her out. Maybe he should try. He suspected the resulting confrontation would be hot as hell.
Chapter Four
Gabby led the way back to Harris’s. If she had any sense, she’d get there, get in her car, and drive like hell. But despite knowing that would be the best thing to do, she couldn’t, and she couldn’t even blame it on the heat. She was curious. They were up to something. Something subtle and devious, and she had a sneaking suspicion she knew what it was. Inside the house they tried to urge her in the direction of the bedroom. Her libido was all for that, but not until she had some answers.
She walked into the living room instead and sat on the couch. “So what did you put in my beer?” she asked Harris, then turned to Ethan. “And why the hell did you agree with it?”
“How did you know?” Ethan asked.
The confirmation enraged her, but the feeling of betrayal was so much worse. She’d trusted them with her body at the time she was most vulnerable. Her wolf side scratched at her mind, furious and spitting. It was much angrier than the woman. All it understood was her faith had been violated. Gabby fought the urge to lash out, fought to remain calm when she really wanted to scream. This was exactly what she’d fought so hard to avoid, leaving herself vulnerable to two men who believed they had the right to rule her life. To make her decisions.
“What was it?” she asked evenly.
They both had the grace to look guilty and contrite, which calmed the wolf a bit, but the feeling of treachery remained. It threatened to overwhelm her anger.
“It’s nothing so bad. We all took it,” Harris said, squirming under her glare for just a moment before his expression changed to one of resolve. “It loosens inhibitions.”
She snorted. Right. Because during heat she was so inhibited? “Try again, bubba.”
“That’s it, really. It’ll…just make you open to possibilities a little bit more.”
She believed him, but there had to be some trick, some deception she was missing. “I’ve already been with both of you,” she pointed out. “I don’t think inhibitions are a problem.”
He shrugged, and his voice was hard when he spoke. “For now. What happens when the heat is over? You disappear?”
Suddenly, the heat receded completely, and she was freezing. “Some kind of love potion?” she croaked out.
No, no, it couldn’t be. That was her worst freaking nightmare. She refused to get that close to either of them. Refused to love them. Everything would change, her life would change, and not for the better. They were too dominant. They would try to take her over, try to mold her into something she wasn’t and when that didn’t work the real misery would begin. She couldn’t imagine anything worse than having a mate who didn’t accept her as she was. Well, having two mates who didn’t would definitely be worse. She stood, jerked away when he tried to reach for her, and stalked over to the big window. There was a lump in her throat, and she focused on the scene outside.
It was a pretty little picture. A view of a wide tree-lined road, boys tossing a football back and forth in the waning evening light. Serene. Nothing like the thoughts rushing through her head, the fury and confusion winding her tight. The utter disbelief and sadness that Harris would pull such a dirty trick on her.
“It wasn’t a love potion. I would never do that to you.”
“Why not?” She laughed bitterly. “Isn’t that what your people do? Fuck with everyone else’s life? Make them do things against their will?”
His eyes glittered in anger, but she didn’t care.
“First of all,” he snapped. “It is exactly what I said. It will lower your inhibitions. Some. It won’t mess with your emotions. Everything you feel is all on you. Second, don’t ever insult me like that again, darlin’. You won’t like the consequences.”
Consequences? Had he lost his freaky little mind? The wolf pricked at her skin, wanting out, wanting free. She could tear him apart, and he couldn’t do a thing to defend himself. Except use magic. But could he really hurt her with it?
“Whatever. Reverse it. I’m sure you know how.”
He looked her over. H
is anger was easy to read but it wasn’t bright and uncontained anymore. He’d gone icy cold. Controlled. “There are conditions.”
Oh, he really had lost what was left of his gray matter. She moved toward the door, but the deadbolt slid closed long before she got there. She banged on it once and turned to glare at him. Then her gaze slid to Ethan, thinking he might help her escape. Once glance and she knew there wasn’t a chance in Hades of that happening.
“What conditions?”
“You stop running.” Harris walked toward her. Slowly. Carefully. As if she had anyplace to bolt to.
“You take this opportunity to get to know me. Us,” he added, indicating Ethan who now stood behind him.
“How about I wait for it to wear off?”
His responding smile was gloating and just this side of mean. “That could take weeks, darlin’.”
Weeks? She was so screwed. She could already feel her resistance weakening. Could she hold out against their combined effort for weeks? She didn’t have a choice, did she? Somehow she’d make it or convince him to reverse the potion. There was no other alternative.
Harris drew closer until he was just inches away, close enough to touch, broad shoulders blocking the hall at his back. Even if she did dart around him, Ethan would be there to stop her. Panic shook her hard. She felt hemmed in, and that was a bad position to put a wolf in. She lashed out before the thought even finished, intent on space and breaking free. He caught her wrist as her claws connected to his neck. It was a small scratch, but she drew blood, and that pleased the wolf enough she let her guard down. He yanked her close, pinned both her wrists in one hand behind her back.
“Why does it scare you so bad?” he whispered.
Snarling, she struggled to get loose, and he released her. It’s not like she could escape, could she? There was a bitter taste in her mouth. She pressed her back against the door and tried to find another solution, but there weren’t any.
“Until the heat is over,” she offered, but he shook his head.
“I want a whole week.”
Oh gods, would she be able to resist for a week? Would she be able to keep her heart out of it? She kept her distance from them for good reason. She knew what would happen if she let her guard down.
“Three days,” she countered, desperately hoping he’d take it.
He just shook his head. “A week, darlin’, or we dissolve this arrangement altogether. Don’t come to me the next time you go into heat.”
She stared. An ultimatum, and the worst kind. He couldn’t do that to her. He wouldn’t, would he? She couldn’t go to someone else. Even if she wanted to, she didn’t think her wolf would let her. She’d become so accustomed to his touch during this time another just wouldn’t satisfy.
“That would be the worst kind of cruelty,” she admitted, and his eyes softened a bit.
“Any less cruel than you showing up for two days every three months and then sneaking out of my bed?”
She couldn’t say anything to that and for the first time she felt guilty. She’d always taken what she needed from him when she was heat and never considered his feelings. Since he hadn’t pushed for anything more she hadn’t believed he wanted more than sex. She knew better now, but it didn’t change anything. It would be better to end things as soon as possible. Cleanly. Minimal wounds for everyone involved. She met his gaze and saw he was bracing for that. Despite his spell, despite the threat, he was afraid she’d walk away. She couldn’t make herself do it.
“What did you have in mind?”
Because this couldn’t be all about sex. Not with Ethan here. She knew exactly what he wanted. But the smile Harris gave her was sinful and lascivious, and she wondered for half a second if she was wrong.
“Naked would be the best way to have this conversation.” Okay, so it was definitely the sex. That was cool. She could handle that. He took her hand and pulled her from the door, then reached for the zipper on the side of her dress. Her anger faded at his touch, and the heat came rushing back. He stripped her and stepped back to look. She swore she could feel that gaze, could feel his hands stroking over her breasts. Her hips. Move to spread the lips of her sex.
“What are you doing?” she gasped.
“Exploring,” he murmured. “Be quiet and leave me to it.”
His tone was so hard, so dominant. It should have made her spitting mad, but instead her toes curled and arousal raged through her. Then she felt those invisible fingers on her clit, pushing into her pussy. He watched with heavy lidded eyes, almost broody, while she panted.
“Why didn’t you ever do this before?”
“You wouldn’t let me.”
But things have changed. He didn’t say them, but the words seemed to hang in the air. She was the one who’d opened the door when she’d let Ethan stay earlier. Now Ethan moved closer, quiet and intense, no sign of the easygoing soldier she knew. His eyes glowed an eerie yellow, and she knew his wolf was close to the surface. She shivered when he stroked her cheek with his fingertips, saw the intent radiate from his eyes. This time he would mark her. Her wolf protested, but she was so caught up in sensual pleasure, it was barely a whimper. It wouldn’t do at all to give in so easily.
“The conditions?” she reminded, though her voice was weak and breathy and hardly commanding.
Harris laughed. “She’s thinking too clearly.”
“Definitely,” Ethan agreed.
Ethan grabbed her around the waist and lifted her over his shoulder. She was so shocked it didn’t occur to her to protest when he dropped her on the bed.
“I want her restrained,” Harris murmured.
Now that she would protest, but when she tried to sit up she couldn’t move. “A few tricks?” she snarled at Harris. “I don’t like this.”
Oh, but that was the biggest lie she’d ever told herself, and he knew it. He put one knee on the edge of the bed, leaned over, and thrust his fingers into her pussy.
“Is that right?” he said, moving them back in forth in short, hard strokes. Her body welcomed him. Clamped around him. “No protest here.”
She wanted to beg and cry for more when he pulled his hand away and lifted his fingers to his lips. He hummed when he sucked her taste into his mouth. “Next condition. I get to tie you down.”
She tugged on one wrist but it didn’t budge an inch from where he had it mentally pinned. “You don’t need ties or restraints.”
“It’s a matter of consent.”
“Is this another deal breaker?” Why was she so intrigued? It scared her. She’d fantasized. Who didn’t? But she’d never seriously considered bondage before. What had he done to her? What had really been in that potion?
He cocked his head to one side and studied her, finally sighed. “No. But it’s important. To me. It’s a trust thing, Gabby.”
She opened her mouth to say no way, and judging by his expression, he knew it was coming. He looked so disappointed, she snapped her teeth shut. Her response confused her. Why was she considering this? If she let him restrain her, tie her down, she’d be acknowledging his dominance. It had to be the potion, the heat, combining to ambush her good senses.
She heard her mother’s no nonsense, take-no-prisoners voice in her head. Protesting a bit too much aren’t you, Gabby girl? She’d never seriously considered it before, but she couldn’t deny her curiosity. She was tempted. There was a kind of appeal to it, a craving she’d repressed for years. What would it be like to let go? To let someone take care of her every need. Hell, to just not be in charge for once? She was intrigued and pissed at the direction of her thoughts at the same time. Damn Harris and his potion, because this was so out of character that’s what it had to be. But she knew she was lying to herself. She may never have submitted before, but she wanted to try it now. She wanted to experience the loss of control, wanted to know if it would be freeing or make her feel tethered. It was about trust, he’d said, and she was surprised to find that she did trust him enough to explore this desire she’d
always fought.
“One time. That’s it.”
Ethan’s fingers slid up the inside of her thigh. The teasing touch made her shiver.
Harris smiled. “Unless you decide you like it?” he asked.
She shook her head. “Not gonna happen.”
“Why try it if you’re so convinced you won’t like it?” Harris asked.
Oh, there was no way she was admitting it was because she didn’t want to disappoint him. That was too close to acknowledging that this was more than just sex. That there was a repressed, lonely voice buried deep in her mind that wanted more than a couple of days every three months. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to steady her heart, her mind, her emotions. But her inhalation drew their scents into her lungs and only made her more aware of them. They were completely focused on her. On bringing her pleasure, on claiming her heart and soul. She fought the urge to give into the inexplicable urge to give in then and there. She’d be weeping if she was a crier, she was so knotted in confusion and want.
Opening her eyes, she shrugged. “It makes no difference to me. I just need someone inside me. Now would be good.”
She craved so bad her skin hurt. Her pussy throbbed. She needed release with a desperation she hadn’t felt before and glanced over to look at Ethan. It was because he was there. His presence had changed every dynamic. He didn’t wait around for any more invitation either. While Harris went into his closet, Ethan stripped, but damn him, the man didn’t hurry. He took his time. Shoes and socks first, shirt, jeans, finally his underwear. He drew out the disrobing, his eyes glowing at her the entire while. By the time he was finished, Harris had her tied, spread-eagle, to the posts of his bed. She hadn’t even noticed and was beyond caring now.
Ethan climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs. He put a hand on the inside of each knee, slid his palms higher in a light teasing touch until he reached her sex. He spread her with careful fingers and leaned down to blow over her mound with hot breath. Then he settled onto his elbows and licked her. If she hadn’t been tied down, the pleasure would have launched her from the bed. He nibbled on her clit with his teeth. His thumb rimmed her opening. And when he thrust in, she shattered with a keening cry that would have mortified her if she didn’t want so much more.