Spellbound Moon Page 26
She shuddered, and Harris was sure she was repressing a cry. Then she lurched up and stalked over to Ethan. “Do you have any idea how long I waited for you to come to your senses?” she asked.
Harris watched as Ethan’s eyes turned yellow. “All you had to do was say something and you know it. Don’t throw that in my face, Gabby.”
“You’re so sure of that?” she asked. So angry. So hurt. Then she shrugged it off, or pretended to, but Harris saw right through her. He was pretty sure Ethan did too. “Anyway, you were my friend. I started to think maybe I was getting the best part of you.”
Oh gods, that had to cut. Harris watched silently, wanting to intervene, but knowing all this old rancor needed to be aired. But fuck was it hard. Ethan paled and looked like she plunged a knife right into his heart. He actually swayed with the imagined blow and for a moment, Harris was sure he’d spin around and leave the house. He didn’t. He just watched her with wounded eyes for several long minutes.
“You worked damned hard to make me believe you’d never accept a mate, much less me,” he said calmly.
Much too calmly. He moved so fast Harris didn’t see it, but he had Gabby pinned under him on the floor, one hand resting on her throat, when Harris blinked again.
Ethan was livid. He hadn’t known for sure. Not until she admitted it. But gods damn it! Ten years of fucking misery. For what? So she could prove she was strong? Because she wanted to be something she wasn’t?
“Why, Gabby? Why?” he didn’t even care that he was giving away everything in his voice, in his eyes.
“I…” she trailed off, staring into his gaze. A scent tantalized his senses, and he took a deep breath. Shock rocked through him, the hand he’d pressed to her collarbone, so close to her throat, spasmed. Tensed when that seductive scent intensified. She was under his control, they both knew it, and she liked it. Her body came alive with it. Harris was right. She was submissive.
She brought her knee up, and he barely managed to save the family jewels by rolling away. She was also no pushover. She was a fighter. He’d seen her in action. It was an undeniable part of her nature.
They stood several feet apart now, aggression a heady scent in the air and mingled so nicely with lust. With her desire. She wanted to be taken, but she wouldn’t make it easy. Why had he never seen this before? He relaxed, smiled, forced his wolf side to back down.
“Oh, you have a lot of ‘splaining to do, Lucy,” he murmured.
She backed away warily, but he wasn’t fooled. She was ready, even eager for him to strike. She wanted him to be strong enough to subdue her. Why couldn’t he have discovered this years ago? He had her in his arms before she could react. He left the blanket wrapped around her, left her that last bit of security. The sound of her heart suddenly pounding, the echoing sweetness in her scent, told him everything he needed to know. She wanted him. And she wanted him to be strong enough to take her. But she needed the truth. He owed her the truth.
“My reputation was unearned, baby. I have not slept with half the women in the pack. Not even close. No one could ever compare to you. No one else could touch me the way you do. No chance in hell.”
She stopped fidgeting in his arms. The breath seemed to rush out of her, there was a short burst of tenseness, and then she was all pliant female. All his. For the first time, he thought he understood why Harris liked sex with women like this. It wasn’t just about being in control. It was the trust it took, a woman giving herself over so totally. Trusted completely, with everything. Past, future, pleasure, pain.
He was hooked.
He looked over her head to meet Harris’s gaze and saw all of his desire reflected there. Ethan picked Gabby up and carried her down the hall, Harris at his heels. He lowered her to the bed and though she didn’t rise, she did protest.
“We don’t have time. The party—”
“It can wait, baby,” he said gruffly. “They’ll understand.”
He unwrapped the blanket, revealing her like a present. He didn’t lift his gaze but he knew Harris watched from the other side of the bed. Gabby writhed on top of the thick comforter. Her eyes were feverish, her skin flushed. If Ethan didn’t know better he’d think she was in heat again, but it was much too soon. He responded to her like she was though. So damned beautiful, reacting as she could only to her mates. It made him hungry for the taste of her, the feel of her.
He stripped quickly and made room for his shoulders between her thighs. Harris hadn’t come prepared for this, but he made do. Ethan watched as he slid the belts from both jeans and felt sharp canines poking through his gums. Not good. He’d already marked her. That craving should be under control. Still it pounded at him, and he turned his head to the inside of her thigh, up high and so close to her pussy all he had to do was turn his head. She moaned, bucking her hips against him, her scent washing over him like fucking ambrosia, and he was back in control again. Of his canines, at least.
He scooted closer, blew a breath over her sex, and inhaled deep. Gods. Her scent. It would make him crazy. He had to have a taste. His tongue flashed out, over her pussy, up to her clit. She mewled like a kitten, and he would have given her whatever she wanted except he sensed movement and glanced up.
Harris held her hand in his, stretched high above her head, face bent to leave nibbling kisses on his way to her wrist. She trembled every time his teeth scraped her skin, so he did it often. Finally Harris reached her pulse point, and he paused for a long suck before wrapping the belt around it and securing it to the bed post. He started to walk around the bed, to handle the other wrist, but caught Ethan watching him. He paused with a wicked smile, braced his fists on the bed to lean down, and kissed him. It was all heat and teeth and brawn, but addicting as that taste was, they were both focused on her. Harris straightened and moved to her other side. She didn’t protest when he secured that wrist the same way as the other.
Ethan sat back on his heels and gazed down at her. Spread out like a feast just for him. So fucking beautiful, he ached to look at her. She met his gaze and held it when he expected her to look away. When he expected fear to make her back off. Which taught him the futility of trying to predict Gabby didn’t it? She was back to her usual fearless self.
“What do you think, darlin?” Harris drawled. “Being submissive isn’t so bad.”
Harris lay down on the bed next to her, his hand moving to cup her breast while his teeth grazed the skin on her neck. Ethan smiled at the display. She shivered, tiny goose bumps rising over her body.
“Gabby,” Harris said in a voice that was way to calm, grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced her to turn to face him. “You didn’t answer me.”
“You’re asking me to think at a time like this?”
“No. I’m asking what you feel, darlin’.”
Ethan wanted to know the answer to that himself. She took a long time to answer, so long he was sure she wouldn’t.
“Don’t…stop. Please.”
Harris leaned forward and rolled his tongue over her nipple until it was a sharp wet point. Then he bit her. Ethan’s eyes widened, jealous, as those teeth closed over her soft creamy skin. He wanted to do the same, wanted to take his time and leave evidence of his desire, his love over every inch of her body. Harris looked over with a grin as if he knew exactly what Ethan was thinking. Next, he bit her stomach, right above her belly button, sucking the skin in hard and leaving it wet and red when he sat back.
“Don’t stop isn’t an answer,” he said sharply.
She groaned and opened her eyes, pleading silently. Begging to keep some of herself private. Ethan could read it so well, he was amazed.
“What do you want from me?” she whispered.
“Everything,” Harris answered, and Ethan sucked in an excruciating breath. Fuck. He’d ruin everything. She wasn’t ready to go that far yet. She may never be ready to go that far.
She shook her head. “Too much.”
Harris looked broody and thoughtful,
but eventually nodded his head. “I’ll keep pushing, Gabby. Right now I’ll settle for you trusting me with your body. Hopefully, you’ll give me your heart later.”
She tugged her arms but was too secure to get free. Her face went pale with alarm, and her gaze shifted between the two of them. No. A soundless response, easy to read on her lips. He’d never realized before that she was afraid of falling in love. He didn’t like that. He was crazy about her. Had been since she was sixteen. It seemed only fair that she return the favor.
“Later is not good enough,” he snarled, at her or Harris he wasn’t sure.
He crawled up her body. Resting his elbows on either side of her head, his torso pressing against hers as a cold fire raged through him. He’d marked her, claimed her, loved her for years, and just when he thought she was coming around she’d made it clear that was light years from the truth. She would make him mad. Crazed and insane.
“What will it take to make you open your eyes, Gabby?” he asked, desperate for some sign of affection. He stared into lust-filled eyes and while he loved seeing that look on her face, he wanted to see clear reason right now. The Gabby he could always count on for sound advice and a level head. The one who always gave him the complete, unvarnished, ugly truth.
“To what, Ethan? What do you what me to see?”
“How I feel about you. How I’ve always felt. What you deny.”
She focused on his face just a moment before they went blurry again. He looked over to see Harris leaning on her other side, his fingers pushing in and out of her cunt in a slow rhythmic reason.
“I’m trying to have a conversation here,” he snapped.
Harris grinned. Shrugged. “Go for it.”
Right. Because she was so receptive now with Harris playing with her body. Flushed and sweaty, eyes closed, head tossing back and forth on the pillow while she moaned. Gods, that was hot. He stretched out next to her and skimmed his hand over her torso. When he brushed by her nipples, she froze, and he went back for a second go-round. Again and again.
When she was panting and begging, he stopped and moved back up her body so he could lean down and claim her lips. But he whispered in her ear first. “I’ve loved you for years, Gabby. Don’t you love me just a little?”
And he poured everything he felt into the kiss. Years of watching her, admiring her, wanting her. Loving her. He’d run a gauntlet of emotions with this woman. Love, fear, anger, jealousy, amusement, possessiveness, and protectiveness. The amazing thing was as he deepened the kiss, as his tongue swept into her mouth, he felt that emotion reciprocated. His heart kicked hard in his chest. She did feel something. She returned all those complicated messy feelings even if she hated it and hated to admit to it. He broke away and stared into her eyes, deep whiskey colored pools of frustration.
“Why are you stopping?”
“You didn’t answer me.”
She looked more than a little desperate. He liked that look. “What question?”
He rolled over on top of her. Harris who’d been fingering her pussy and clit deftly turned his hand around to stroke Ethan’s cock. It jarred him for a moment, that sudden sweet contact, and he turned to press a quick kiss against Harris’s lips, getting that sinful mysterious grin in return before the wizard released his grip on him.
Then Ethan refocused on the woman beneath him. The woman who was his world, his everything. Her eyes were wild, bright and blazing with passion and what he hoped like hell was love. He needed the words though. He needed her to say it. He pressed the head of his cock against her entrance and held her hips still when she arched to take him inside her.
“Why aren’t you moving?” she whined. “Fuck me, Ethan. Quit teasing.”
Harris chuckled. “I think you’re missing a few key elements of submitting, darlin’.”
Her pussy tightened around him a slick, hot vice. He gave her a short shallow teasing thrust in retaliation. “Can’t we talk about that later?”
Gabby was losing her last grip on her mind and her control, and she knew that was exactly what they wanted from her. She even wanted to give it to them, but reversing an entire lifetime of conditioning was harder than it sounded.
Harris lay down next to her, leaned over, and gave her a drugging, soul-sucking kiss that left her feeling weak and desperate, while Ethan bent his head to her nipple. He licked her, rolled his tongue over the hard peak before pulling it between his lips and sucking into his mouth. Then his teeth closed over it just hard enough to pinch, and she arched into him with a cry. Harris repeated the action on her neglected nipple.
The pleasure and pain combined until she was flying high and knew just a few seconds more and she’d come. When Harris released her, she swore she heard him mutter something about clamps, but she was too far gone to ask what he was talking about. She wanted to wail. She’d been so close, and when she met his gaze, she realized he knew it. He’d intentionally held her back. She swallowed hard and tried to relax, knowing the more she strained to reach orgasm on her own the longer he’d hold back. He gave her his sexy half smile.
“You’re learning, darlin’.”
Damn her heart for stuttering at the approval in his voice. She didn’t dare try to answer him. She had no idea what her voice would reveal. Anger at being under their control? Or eagerness to give into it? Harris lowered his head to nip her bottom lip. It was such a lupine thing to do, dominant and masculine, she shivered. He caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.
“You still haven’t answered Ethan’s question, Gabby,” Harris chided.
She met Ethan’s gaze and felt her eyes change, struggled to keep the wolf’s claws from poking through her fingertips as emotion and indecision raged through her. Did she love him? She’d always loved him. She’d just never believed she could have him and keep herself at the same time. She still wasn’t convinced that was possible, but she was beginning to hope, and she knew she wanted to give it a shot. She didn’t want to live without either of them.
She couldn’t give him the words he wanted though, not yet, but she couldn’t hold back the rush of emotion either, the love swelling and breaking free of the constraint she’d always kept it under. She didn’t have to say anything because he felt it through their bond. He threw his head back with a snarl and surged into her. His cock was thick and pulsing, filling her. His thrusts were fast and hard, left her keening as her body strained toward orgasm. She felt someone’s fingers on her clit, opened her eyes to see Harris smiling at her, working her.
He leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Come, darlin’. Come now.”
She let go. Ethan froze as her pussy clamped around his cock, his groan barely audible over the roaring in her ears. He didn’t come with her, but she couldn’t wonder why. She was flying apart, sparks exploding behind her eyes and firing every nerve ending in her body. It had never been this good, never this sweet, not even during the heat.
She felt the bonds on her wrists loosen and gentle hands rub the marks of her struggle against them. When Ethan rolled them over, still buried inside her, it took all her effort not to sprawl across his chest, but she didn’t think she had the energy to respond to the roll of his hips, the gentle thrust of his cock still filling her. He chuckled, gripped her nape and tugged her up to brush a kiss over her lips.
“Did I wear you out, baby?”
“Hmm.” It was impossible not to be amused by the male satisfaction pouring through the bond. “I just need a minute to recover.”
Harris had other ideas, however. He reached across them and picked up the bottle of lube that was on the nightstand. They had used an anal plug over the weekend, and it had been incredible, but not like this. Not both of them at the same time. Fear mingled with excitement, and she trembled. Harris stroked a soothing hand over her back as he worked one lubed finger, then a second into her rear entrance.
“Shh, Gabby, easy. Just relax for me, darlin’,” he crooned.
He worked the fingers back and forth while she forced her muscles to relax. He didn’t give her time to tense up again once she was loose and ready. His fingers disappeared, and the head of his cock pressed against her, eased in just a bit before withdrawing. He took his time, working back and forth slowly, stretching her, until he pushed against the ring of muscle barring his entrance. She cried out at the pain when he pushed past it.
“I’ve got you, darlin” he whispered. “Relax. Breathe through it.”
He wrapped an arm around her torso, cupping her breast and rolling her nipple between his thumb and finger. At the same time, Ethan covered her clit with a firm brush of his thumb that made her keen. The pain in her rear, the pain from being filled by two big cocks diminished and grew into pleasure. When they started to move, one withdrawing as the other thrust deep, it became something more than pleasure, something she couldn’t begin to name much less describe.
She felt them inside her, twining their souls around hers. Desire, love, craving. Devotion. It heightened the physical sensations until she feared for her sanity. Until she feared she’d be lost forever. It was ecstasy and terror. Rapture and a curious melting sort of pain. She knew that was the last of her defenses failing, the last of her barriers dropping when she felt Harris’s surge of triumph. Masculine and dominant, it should have worried her, but instead she felt comforted. Treasured.
And they knew. They felt it. They fucked her harder. Ethan strummed her clit faster while Harris plumped and squeezed her nipples. It was too much, more than she could fight, and when Ethan growled at her to come, she did with an explosion so fierce her entire body locked up. She felt Ethan come next, his hot sperm spurting into her pussy, and Harris seconds later filling her ass. She sprawled across Ethan’s chest and swore.
“I am never moving again. Y’all have killed me.”