Kane Read online

Page 3

  “You should expect a couple of challenges soon, Kane. Some of the older males believe you’re vulnerable,” Mathias said.

  Over my dead body. He snorted. That was the idea apparently. Shaking his head, he met and held everyone’s gaze before answering.

  “They can try. I’ll deal with that later. Right now, I have to handle Calista and her sisters.”

  “No one handles that woman. She can do it just fine on her own.” Sebastian barked a half laugh but the respect in his tone surprised Kane.

  “She’d make a fine mate for an Alpha. Can’t be pushed around by anyone. Especially you,” Mathias said, grinning.

  Kane’s throat closed. He’d expected opposition, not support. But these were his top men, a triumvirate of power that served under him and one of them had yet to speak. He turned to Nico, who shrugged.

  “I figured you’d get around to it eventually.”

  Total support, total acceptance. He deserved a hell of a lot less and hoped their confidence was well placed. Of course, he still had to convince Calista.

  “Nico, you and Sebastian go on. I don’t like the three of them being out in such an exposed place.” He made his voice brisk, forcing down the emotion he felt at the endorsement from his friends, the worry that Calista would turn away from what he offered. He rose and they followed suit, mirroring his actions. He noticed the three of them were already dressed for the Fordham’s ball and decided to send two of them ahead while he dressed. Especially since he couldn’t be sure which of his pack members were trustworthy.

  They acknowledged the order and all of them moved out into the hall. Nico and Sebastian exited the house while he ran upstairs to change. Mathias followed, watching as he stripped and pulled on the fine suit that had been left hanging on the door.

  “You’re sure she’s the one?” Mathias held up a placating hand when Kane glared at him. “I know she’s a challenge. She’s beautiful and she’s full of fire. But I would hate for you to make a permanent mistake because you were…distracted.”

  He laughed. She sure as hell distracted him, but it was a lot more than that. He admired her, respected her. She was strong willed enough to live with an alpha wolf. And it didn’t hurt that her body drove him wild. His heart thumped wildly in his chest, and he forced a deep breath into his lungs, willing it to slow, reminding himself he could care for her, but love was not an option. He was walking a dangerous edge, and daily exposure was going to make it worse. He closed his eyes and forced an image of Sebastian burying his mate to rise from his memory. No. He wouldn’t do that, become so entrenched in someone else that her death could destroy him.

  “She’s the one,” he answered his brother quietly. He hoped like hell he could make it work; convince her to mate with him. He hoped mating with her wouldn’t be the end of him.

  Finished dressing, he strapped on his weapons and followed his brother out of the house, worrying over everything he’d taken on. On the steps, they could see the lights from the ball just a few houses down the street. It was unfashionable to walk, but he’d never cared much for convention. It was easier and with the press of carriages stopping in front of the house, faster.

  He stopped long enough to be polite in the entryway, exchanging words with Jack and Melissa Fordham. Then he hurried into the ballroom, looking for a familiar woman in red. He smiled when he spotted her. Who knew she cleaned up so well? But the smile quickly faded when he saw who she was dancing with. He approached, stalking her through the crowd and fought down a growl when he reached them.

  “Nico.” He couldn’t quite keep his anger from his voice though, and she shrunk back a little before narrowing her eyes at him.

  He gave the other man a pointed look at the way he held her. With a grin the werepanther backed off, dropping his arms to his sides. Kane was quick to pick up her hand and pull her into the safety of his shoulder. It was a proprietary gesture, a mark of possession, and it was noted by many onlookers. He didn’t care. She went stiff next to him, and he felt her anger rising. He didn’t care about that either. Much.

  “Don’t forget you promised me another dance, sweetheart.” Nico winked at her, and Kane wondered if it was just impossible for him not to flirt.

  “I don’t think so,” he answered for her. “Don’t forget your position in the pack and who she is.”

  Nico sobered instantly and studied him a moment, then nodded. “I see your point.”

  Kane hoped so. He’d hate to have kill someone for thinking they could take liberties with the Alpha’s mate. A silent understanding passed between them, and Kane knew the other man understood his reaction. Somehow he managed to hide his relief. This Alpha business was already getting old and tired.

  Nico left, and he pulled Calista into his arms, sweeping them up in the dance. She relaxed a little, and he was struck again by how well they fit together, her small body tucked up against his bigger frame, her breasts brushing over his chest, his cock pushed against her lower belly. He held her too close, but she didn’t pull away and damned if he cared. Society’s rules tended to bend in interesting directions where shifters were concerned anyway.

  Much as he wanted to get lost in her, to enjoy this moment with her, he forced his mind to work. Scanning the crowd, he spotted several Special Branch agents and a few people he didn’t know. He’d have to get them checked out. She startled him out of his thoughts.

  “Do you always treat your people so well?” she asked, sarcasm heavy in her tone.

  He was used to her sarcastic ways, used to her questioning him. But not about how he ran his pack. He knew she only had a vague understanding of how things worked and he should excuse her, but he couldn’t fight off the anger that welled within him. He was sick to death of the cat and mouse game they played. If she wanted the right to question how he did things, then she’d have to accept him. He smiled, a feral, fierce smile he’d never shown her before. Her eyes grew wary, and he lowered his head to her ear, stopping along the way to lightly nip the pulse pounding in her throat. It skittered wildly, the sound and sensation pleasing to his extrasensory abilities.

  “When you accept me as your mate, Calista, then you can question my motives. But not until then. No one questions an Alpha but his woman.”

  She gasped, tried to move out of his arms, but settled when he pushed his erection against her stomach, a not-so-subtle reminder that her defiance turned him on.

  “That’s not going to happen,” she said emphatically.

  He laughed, fought the urge to drag her out like a caveman and prove otherwise. Her statement just made him all the more determined, but judging by the mulish look in her eyes now was not the time to push it. He decided to give her an explanation instead, a novel thing for him.

  “I have three…advisors. Nico is one of them.” He grinned. “His position is pretty high. That wasn’t an insult.”

  She relaxed a little. “And for some reason that excludes him from dancing with me? Because I’m human or what?”

  He snorted. She really didn’t get it or she was playing dumb. Neither one boded well for him. She’d need a crash course in shifter society or he’d need to constantly be on guard against feminine wiles he hadn’t even been aware she possessed.

  “He can dance with you. As long as he remembers who you are. Part of his job is to protect the Alpha and his mate.”

  She drew in a deep breath, which forced her breasts to rise in a tantalizing display. He wondered if he could find a conveniently empty room for a few minutes.

  “I’m not your mate.”



  “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”

  A suspicious light entered her eyes, and she shifted against him, confrontation shining in her gaze. Desire barreled thought him. God, he definitely needed to find that room.

  “I’m not your mate, yet you expect Nico to treat me like I am. How many people know about me?”

  He shrugged. There wasn’t a way to answer that and keep he
r happy. Fortunately, the dance ended, and he was able to stall. Taking her hand, he led her through the crowd to the hall. A line crossed the entryway into the dining room to the buffet. Instead of joining it, he pulled her down the hall, opening the first door he came to and nudging her in. The door swung closed behind him. He didn’t give her a chance to repeat her question. Pulling her close, he locked his arms around her waist, bent to her mouth, and devoured her.

  The sweet taste of her lips burst over him and her moan of arousal filled his ears. She didn’t fight him, but she held back, held some of herself away from him. It was infuriating. He slid one of his hands from the small of her back to the bodice of the dress, placing it lightly over her heart. It thudded, skipped a beat when he ran his fingers over the swell of her breasts, seemed to stop a full minute when they danced over her nipples. She pressed against them, and he knew she was looking for more. More pressure, more pleasure. He’d be happy to oblige, but under his own terms. He broke the kiss.

  “Submit, Calista,” he whispered close to her ear.

  He kept his voice husky, full of the arousal that all but consumed him, careful to keep the edge of command out of it. She wasn’t quite ready for that yet. Her face pressed against his shoulder, and she shook her head.

  “Surrender to me, Calista. You won’t regret it.”

  He kissed a path along her jaw, back to her lips. He kept the kiss gentle, slow. Coaxing. Finally she sighed and molded her body against his. His senses sang in triumphant and need; he kicked the kiss up a notch and he could smell her response.

  He picked her up and walked farther into the room, trying to look around without breaking their connection. Spotting what he was looking for, he switched directions and sat on the sofa. She shifted, trying to get comfortable, and her bottom caressed his cock. He inhaled sharply, afraid he’d burst before he got inside her. This might not have been one of his brightest ideas.

  He played with the buttons down her back. He appreciated the dress, but it was going to be a pain in the ass getting her out of it. Not to mention back into it. The hell with that. The dress could stay on. He’d watched her dress, and unless she’d added it during the carriage ride over, there were no undergarments on under that shift. He pulled the hem up to her waist and lifted her, turning her so she straddled him. Then he explored, elation filling him when his fingers found her bare and delved through the soft curls to her cunt. He reached for the snaps on the front of his trousers. Finally. He’d been waiting hours to get inside her.

  He got the first snap free, and then there came a tap, tap, tap on the door. He groaned in frustration. He should have expected it. Rheana peeked her head inside the door and slid in quickly, closing it behind her with a soft click. Then she turned her back.

  “Sorry to barge in.”

  He heard the snicker in her voice and knew she wasn’t. Then to his regret, Calista stood and straightened her skirts. He discretely re-buttoned his pants.

  “It’s safe. Come make sure my hair’s okay.”

  Rheana sauntered over, not bothering to hide her grin any longer and taking her time looking over Calista’s hair.

  She laughed. “Really, Kane. Sex at a party? How cliché. Wasn’t the shower recent enough? You know, that wasn’t quite what we had in mind when we talked about christening the new lavatory.”

  He groaned. It was bad enough neither of those incidents made it to completion, but that she knew about them? No doubt she planned to throw it in his face at every opportunity. Why did he get cursed with a mate with a meddling sister? Damn it. Maybe he could hurry her along.

  “Is there something particular you wanted, Rheana? Or is ruining my night enough?”

  The sisters looked at each and burst out laughing. He forgot his frustration as he watched, reminded again that there were whole other facets to Calista he didn’t know. He was going to enjoy peeling away her layers. Starting with that dress.


  Rheana sobered, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. “Yes, I did. Need something, I mean. Not the ruining your night part.”

  That set off another fit of laughter, thankfully shorter lived.

  “Sorry about that. I can’t find Isadora.” She turned to meet Calista’s gaze. “You know how she hates these things. I thought maybe she snuck out and went home.”

  Calista frowned and shook her head. “She wouldn’t have left without telling us.”

  Her statement spurred him into action, and he strode to the door. Flinging it wide, he turned to them. “Let’s go find her. I’ll get some of my men to help.”

  “They already are. One of them at least. Nico told me Calista was in here, then he went to look for her.”

  “Good. Stay together, ladies.” At Calista’s curious look, he winked and added. “No point in finding one sister only to lose another.”

  She rolled her eyes, her opinion of his stab at humor obvious. They entered the ballroom, and he spotted Nico by the doors leading into the garden. He waved them over, and they fought their way through the crowd. Nico didn’t look worried, thank God. That eased his mind a bit. He should have been watching out for Isadora, not trying to indulge his personal desires.

  “She’s out here,” Nico said, holding the door open for the ladies.

  They all exited, and he saw Isadora sitting on a nearby bench talking with Alec. The vampire gave him a look filled with venom. He raised his eyebrows. Looked like Alec’s concern for Isadora was a little more than impersonal government work. When Calista and Rheana approached, he stood and came up to Kane. His hands were clenched at his sides and his body thrummed with the need to throw a punch. Kane recognized it—he’d been there often enough over the years.

  “You’re supposed to be taking care of her.”

  “She looks fine to me. Unless you’re saying she isn’t safe with you?”

  Alec took an aggressive step forward, and Kane felt Nico tense at his back.

  “She came out for air, but when she got out here she thought she heard someone calling her. She was walking into the maze when I stopped her.”


  Kane cursed under his breath. They all knew what that meant. Vampire. He looked over, trying to be casual as he searched the shadows behind the women. Calista was watching him, that curious expression back on her face. She knew something was up. They were going to have to have that talk soon. For now, he wanted them home and safely inside a building he knew he could keep secure. She must have sensed the direction of his thoughts because she gathered her sisters and came to him.

  “We’re going to call it a night.” She turned to Alec and nodded. “Thanks for watching my sister.”

  “You’re most welcome,” he answered. He met Isadora’s eyes and bowed low at the waist. “Good evening, Izzy.”

  Nico ran around to the front of the house to find their carriage while they went inside to make their excuses. The Fordham’s were surprisingly easy to find and gracious about their guests ditching the ball so early. Outside, Nico was waiting and helped the ladies get inside. Then he dropped into the shadows and shifted. Kane gathered his clothes. Nico would follow in his panther form while Kane climbed up into the box with the driver. At his nod they took off.

  It was a short ride to the house. He listened to the murmur of the women’s voices over the clatter of horses’ hooves while watching Nico from the corner of his eye and trying to remain alert. It didn’t take long to reach the house, and he jumped down before they came to a complete stop, tossing Nico his clothes as he did. He waited until the other man was dressed and waiting at the door before opening the carriage door and helping them out. Isadora, Rheana, then Calista. She exited, gun drawn, and glared at him.

  Ushering them inside, he eyed the weapon warily. Nico tensed when he saw it, and Kane shook his head to warn him off. Calista in a mood was volatile, an explosion waiting to happen. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t kill him, but she might be pissed off enough when she heard everything to try and maim him.r />
  They walked in the entryway and Isadora yawned. “I’m going to turn in. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so exhausted.”

  He had a pretty good idea but he didn’t offer it up. Rheana looped her arm through Isadora’s and led her to the stairs.

  “Me too,” she said. “Lock up, Calista?”

  “Sure. As soon as I kick these two out.”

  Rheana laughed and climbed the stairs with her sister. She paused at the top and looked down, a mischievous look on her face.

  “Should I tell the cook to expect one more at breakfast, Kane?”

  He grinned. She wasn’t so bad after all. “Yes. Please.”

  Then she was gone, Calista was glaring, and Nico was trying to blend into the woodwork. He nodded at the werepanther, dismissing him.

  “Stay close.”

  Nico nodded while eyeing Calista, wariness now conflicting with amusement in his gaze. He opened the front door.

  “Call if you need me,” Nico said, the implication clear that he thought Kane might need protection from Calista.

  He scowled. Even though he knew Nico was teasing, he didn’t like the idea someone might think he couldn’t handle his woman. He jerked his head at the door.


  The door shut and he flipped the lock to the closed position, then turned to Calista. She was angry, but at least she’d put the pistol away. He was afraid to ask where and he didn’t dwell on it long.

  She was flushed, and her eyes sparked. He expected her to light in to him any minute. She drew in a deep breath.



  He approached her, as if drawn to a flame, and he saw an answering heat in her eyes, watched her struggle to control it. She took another deep breath, and her breasts rose. Through the tight bodice he could see her nipples harden as he stared. Talking could wait. He couldn’t.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Later,” he answered, bending and nipping at the bud that beckoned him.

  She backed away and held up a restraining hand when he tried to follow. He reached for it, pulled one of her fingers into his mouth and lightly sucked. His reward was instantaneous. She groaned, and the air thickened with the scent of arousal.