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Invasion Earth Page 6

  “I think you would like that, my der’lan. Perhaps that is a game we’ll have to attempt soon. For now though…” He straightened and pulled her to her feet, “I have an earlier promise to fulfill.”

  He spun her around and forced her to bend at the waist, placing her palms flat against the surface of the table. She remembered the visions he’d shared earlier started with a spanking. No way in hell. She tried to stand, but he’d nudged her legs as far apart as they would go with her pants trapped around her thighs and he’d stepped between them. She was caged in. She felt his cock against her ass and groaned. Maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing.

  Alrik took a step back and reined in his need to pound into her. She shifted and he felt her confusion as he placed his palm on the back of her neck. Slowly, he dragged it down her spine enjoying the smooth feel of her skin, the way it heated under his touch. He paused at the small of her back, taking a moment to enjoy the way she looked in the submissive pose, wondering if she would like what came next. His breath quickened. He sure as hell would.

  Finally he lifted his hand and lightly slapped her ass. She gasped but otherwise gave nothing of her reaction away. He tried it again, this time harder, but she stayed still and silent. He frowned. His need for control didn’t stretch to her not enjoying being disciplined. If she wasn’t into it, he’d find another way. Before he could pursue that, she turned her head to look over her shoulder at him arching one eyebrow in question. Then she wiggled her ass. If that wasn’t an invitation, he didn’t know what was.

  The next slap was hard enough to leave a rosy mark and she groaned, moving into the next stroke. His reason for punishing her began to blur. Was this about her leaving his bed? Of something else, something darker? She was his der’lan, but she’d made it clear she wouldn’t surrender easily. She was still his enemy and had been the worst of them. Possibly still was.

  He slapped harder and harder until they were both panting and he was afraid to go on. He didn’t want to hurt her. Ever. But he felt his control slipping, the black rage over what she’d done at Roses rising. She’d sunk to her elbows against the table and he knew she was at her limit also. She looked over her shoulder.

  “Don’t stop, Alrik,” she whispered. “Please…”

  May the Gods help him, but he couldn’t go on now. The rage had to be conquered before he attempted this again. Instead he moved his hand between her legs, testing her channel. He hoped she was ready because he honestly didn’t think he could hold back. To his relief she was wet and hot and he didn’t even pause to think about it before thrusting into her. She screamed, convulsing around him as she came. It was all he needed to follow her into orgasm and he bit her neck, not resisting the instinct to mark her, as the hot jets of his come filled her, the past and what had brought them to this place temporarily forgotten.

  He collapsed into the chair he’d moved out of the way earlier and pulled her with him down onto his lap. She curled up on her side, her head pillowed against his shoulder. He closed his eyes and waited for his breathing to even out. He could get used to this real fast, wished they had a few days to explore and learn each other. His communicator beeped. He sighed. That wasn’t going to happen, not even when he got her home. There was too much to do. He’d never worried about juggling his duties with time spent with his mate. Now the idea gave him pause. The small device in his tunic pocket chirped again and he stretched out one arm to grab it.

  Flipping it open, he barked into the speaker. “Torfa.”

  “Nice to talk to you too, Alrik.” There was laughter in his brother’s voice. He’d better have a damned good reason for calling. “Hate to interrupt, but you’re going to have a crowd in there soon.”

  That was definitely good enough reason. He didn’t know her well, but he knew Laney wouldn’t appreciate being caught in the act. And he wanted to keep all her … assets to himself. The Delroi had enough sense not to ogle another man’s woman. The humans weren’t that smart and he’d hate to have to start things off by killing one of her comrades.

  “Understood,” he answered and flipped the communicator closed.

  Laney straightened but didn’t stand. “Problem?”

  “They’ll be back soon.”

  He didn’t have to say another word. She stood and re-dressed, stepping over to a mirror to check her appearance. Other than a lingering flush she looked just as she had during the meeting. He caught her hand as she walked by.

  “You sleep with me tonight.” He lifted a hand to trace the side of her face and was rewarded by a flare of awareness in her eyes. “All night, darlin’.”

  She nodded but didn’t voice her agreement and stepped away from him as the door slid open to admit his brother, followed by the Delroi and her people. He frowned at the way she seemed to be able to completely withdraw from him and he wondered where she went when she cut herself off like that. Things were not progressing the way he’d expected. Physically, she was his. The bond assured that. But emotionally and mentally, they were a long way apart. It finally dawned on him how hard it was going to be to win her over. He smiled as she resumed her seat. That was fine; he was up for the challenge and he wouldn’t settle for anything less than complete surrender. Taking a deep breath, he returned to his chair and began to make plans.

  Laney spent the rest of the afternoon negotiations trying to ignore Alrik. She wasn’t very successful and her concentration was shot to hell. If she were asked her opinion later, she wouldn’t be able to give one since she’d zoned out most of the day.

  She was toast. She wanted to be bitchy and keep an emotional distance but the minute he touched her, she was horny and desperate. Betrayed by her own damned body. She’d had more sex in the last two days than the last five years and it hadn’t taken the edge off one bit. She wanted more. And she wanted it in ways she’d never dreamed of. God. She’d let him spank her, had practically begged him to. It had turned her on so much she’d come as soon as he thrust into her. She felt a curious lack of embarrassment at the memory. She never would have believed she’d get off on a little pain and dominance if she hadn’t experienced it firsthand.

  The meeting finally broke up for dinner. Alrik and his brother were the first to leave, but he met her gaze as he left. Hot. Primal. Possessive. It promised hours of sensual pleasure and her stomach fluttered as she realized those hours were not far off. The yearning she felt for that made her leery, set her nerves on edge. She wasn’t denying its magnificence, but this kind of chemistry was bound to crash and burn sooner or later, wasn’t it? What happened then? Did she become an alien’s cast off far from her home?

  She was filled with doubts and anxiety about him, his people, the treaty. Her physical reaction to him just added to the burden. When she was in the same room with him, she couldn’t get her brain to wrap around anything but sex. It made her feel like a traitor.

  It’s all about control, Laney. She needed information more than anything right now, much as her body disagreed. Time for a little recon. She let the crowd trickle out while delaying her departure at the coffee table. She made herself a cup, adding a liberal dose of sugar to the bitter brew, and exited the room. Instead of turning right and taking the corridor that would lead back to the guest quarters they’d been put in or the shuttle bay where everyone else was heading, she turned right, determined to explore the ship. You never knew what you might discover by accident after all.

  She realized immediately she was being followed. The sound of footsteps was impossible to muffle on steel floors. Two sets. The guards who’d stood outside the door, she bet, but she didn’t turn around to verify the guess. She wandered for an hour, her silent escort keeping an irritating pace behind her. Finally, she couldn’t stand it and stopped. Turning around, she set her hands on her hips and glared.

  “Is there a reason you’re following me?”

  “Orders, my lady,” one answered.

  It was the second time someone had used the honorific addressing her, but she let it pass. She was cer
tain she already knew the answer to her next question. “Whose?”

  “General Torfa’s.”

  So he didn’t trust her loose on his ship? Damn right. He should be nervous. She wasn’t going to roll over and play dead just because the sex was great. If she went through with this, it would be because she was positive dealing with the Delroi was good for her people and a better alternative to an ongoing war she couldn’t see a way to win. And he’d have to understand that she was an independent woman with a brain. A partner or nothing. Not too much to ask in her opinion.

  “He’s concerned for your safety,” the other piped up a disapproving note to his tone.

  She arched an eyebrow. Interesting. They’d been led to believe all the Delroi were on the same page with the negotiations, but maybe that wasn’t the case. Was there dissent in the ranks? Enough to endanger her? She remembered the nickname they’d given her and wondered if the survivors of Roses would be as forgiving as Alrik and his brother seemed to be. She cocked her head to one side and studied the two warriors.

  “And who would be a threat to me here?”

  The one who’d mentioned her safety, or lack thereof, blinked and an invisible mask descended over of his face as if he realized he’d overstepped a line.

  “You’ll have to ask the General.”

  She nodded. Excellent. She’d expected that answer. She knew she was good and lost, but she wasn’t about to admit it. She could wander around for another hour and not find her way back and she didn’t want them to realize it.

  “Take me to him then.”

  They turned and headed in the direction she’d just come from, but only went a few steps before turning off into a narrow hall she hadn’t noticed before. She made an exasperated noise. The place was a maze, one long gunmetal gray hall after the other. She was beginning to think she’d never figure it out when the corridor widened into a big common area. Surprise held her in place for a few seconds, before awe forced her to move.

  She barely registered the tables she picked her way through or the long bar across one wall or the people milling around. She walked straight forward to the wide expanse of glass. Through the window she saw ships. Dozens of them. Perhaps as many as one hundred. An armada. They were serious about winning this war and she was pretty sure no one else in the Earth delegation had seen this, had any idea what the Delroi numbers actually were. She experienced a moment of despair. There was no way they could prevail against a force this size. She shook the thought off and whispered to herself. Find another way.

  Past the ships, as if hung up for background, was the Earth. From space it looked blue and white and green and perfect. None of the damage the years of pollution and war had wrought was evident. It took her breath away. This was what she’d fought so long for. This is what she’d continue to fight to preserve. Even if it meant sleeping with the enemy.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  She didn’t turn to meet Alrik’s gaze, though she was a little surprised she’d been so distracted she’d missed his arrival. He stood close behind her. So close she felt his body heat, knew if she leaned back she would rest against his chest. A curious ache twisted her heart. She’d never had anyone she’d trusted enough to lean on, but for some inexplicable reason she knew she could trust this alien invader to catch her if she fell.

  “It is beautiful,” she answered softly.

  He took her elbow and tugged. “Come sit over here.”

  Grudgingly—she wasn’t quite ready to give up that view—she turned and followed him the few feet to one of the small round tables closest to the window. He pulled a chair out for her and then disappeared into the small crowd. When he returned he held two glasses filled with blue liquid. After setting them on the table he took the seat next to her, pulling it aside so he could stretch his long legs out into the path. His pose was languid, his movements smooth. The casualness belied his strength. She’d never before known a man who was so, well, male. Her pulse kicked up at the thought, at the memory of what he could do with all that masculine power. Looking for distraction, she picked up the glass, raised it to her nose and sniffed.

  “Trying to get me drunk on alien wine?” she joked.

  He grinned. “Would it work?”

  She laughed. She was a lightweight. “Probably.”

  “It’s called gazzi. Very popular at home. Try it.”

  She took a small sip, then another. It was light and sweet like a good dessert wine. But how much alcohol was in it? Best to go slow. She didn’t want to get even a little tipsy until she had some answers, and not even then, probably. Who knew what would happen to her disappearing inhibitions if she got a good buzz going? She set the glass down and met Alrik’s gaze, trying desperately to ignore the heat she saw in them and the answering swell of her own libido. She took another long drink. Maybe drunk would be better.

  “You should have brought the whole bottle,” she muttered.

  He laughed. “You have a one glass limit.”

  What the hell? She may be forced to marry an alien, but this would not be his traditional man in charge arrangement. “Excuse me?”

  “You could be pregnant.” His voice was completely calm as he delivered the statement, but the gleam in his eyes told her that was a development he’d welcome.

  As for herself? She waited for the surge of fear but it didn’t come. She’d never considered having children. The very idea had always engineered abject terror. But the thought of having Alrik’s baby didn’t make her want to run for cover and that scared her. It took her addled brain a minute to work out the real problem. God, she was an idiot. She could be pregnant because it had never once occurred to her to use protection.

  But pregnancy was the least of her worries. There were some very nasty STD’s making the rounds since the century-old HIV virus had begun to mutate. The kindest killed you quickly. The others disfigured you and let you linger half dead for years. She couldn’t believe she’d been so careless and was very shook up. The oversight could cost her dearly. The noise level in the room finally registered and she looked around at the growing crowd. Not that she wanted to discuss it here. She changed the subject.

  “So tell me why I need guards.”

  He shrugged. “Your people aren’t happy with the current arrangements.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. He was worried about her people? “And my reputation with your people has nothing to do with it?”

  He sighed. “No warrior would ever threaten another’s der’lan. Or any woman.”

  She waited expectantly for the rest of his statement but it wasn’t forthcoming. “But?”

  He scowled. “I’m not taking any chances. With your people or mine.”

  Shit. She’d known things were going too well.

  “Have you eaten?” he asked as he stood. She noticed his drink was empty and picked hers up to finish it before standing. When she sat the empty glass down, she stood.


  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Six

  After making arrangements to have dinner sent, Alrik led her back to their rooms. He was desperate to get her alone and naked, but the food was waiting when they arrived and he found he wanted to see her fed more than he wanted sex. She hadn’t responded to his suggestion that she might be pregnant, but he was positive of it. She carried the next generation of warrior leaders in her belly and she needed her strength to do so.

  He decided on dinner in bed. It expedited matters. Nudging her towards the bedroom, he lifted the tray and followed her in. It was an exercise in restraint watching her hips sway with each step. He wanted them straining under him, arching up to meet his thrusts. He shook off the vision before it could fully form and set the tray on the bedside table. Then he turned to her and pulled her into his arms for a kiss. The need to touch her, to own and possess her was overwhelming, but somehow he kept it brief.

  She was breathing hard, her breasts rising and falling in a fast rhythm when he released her and he knew hi
s restraint would be short lived. As long as he had enough to feed her first, it would all be good. He smiled as he reached for the buttons that held her shirt closed, a plan forming in his mind that he was careful not to share with her.

  She watched him curiously, but she didn’t resist as he stripped her and gave her a small push down onto the bed, nudging her over so he could crouch next to her. He piled the pillows under her head and upper back so she was lounging back, then pulled the belt from his trousers. He looped it around her wrists, careful not to pull too tight, then lifted her arms to the bar stretching across the headboard and secured it. Sitting back on his heels, he grinned at his handiwork while she cocked an eyebrow.

  “I don’t know if this works for me. I thought we were eating dinner?”

  He leaned over and kissed her belly, looking up at her as he did. He lowered his hand so that he could cup her pussy, rubbing one finger lightly over her clit. She gritted her teeth against a groan, against the demand that he fuck her now, but he knew she wanted it. Felt her desire on his fingers.

  “Don’t worry, der’lan. First, we feed the baby. Then we feed … me.”

  “I doubt I’m pregnant. But there are other…” He thrust one finger into her hot wet channel and was rewarded with a low, sweet groan before she finished her sentence. “considerations.”

  He forced himself to withdraw and reached for the cover of the tray.

  “No, there aren’t,” he answered. “My people are immune to the diseases that plague yours.”

  He didn’t add that even if that weren’t true, it didn’t matter. He hadn’t touched any woman from Earth but her, or any woman at all for longer than he cared to recall. And he knew from Barak’s report, which included the stolen copy of her last medical exam, that she was just as safe. All things he should have discussed with her, but his more immediate concern was getting her fed and penetrated. He focused on the tray.