Spellbound Moon Page 8
Gabby paced, finally shrugged, and sank into one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Nothing to tell, really. I had an itch. He scratched it. End of story.”
“Uh huh.”
“You know how they get.” Gabby narrowed her gaze on Liza’s neck. “Both of them? Ethan filled me in last night, but I didn’t believe it.”
“Last night, huh?” And here she’d been under the impression the affair, or one-night stand, or whatever Gabby was calling it, had been several days ago.
Gabby groaned. “I keep saying this is the last time, but then he’ll show up just in time for dinner and I figure, fine. I’ll feed him and send him on his way.”
Liza laughed when instead of continuing, Gabby blushed. “You can’t resist him?” she teased. “What’s the problem then?”
The blush faded as quickly as it had come on, and growling, Gabby jerked to her feet and stalked to the window. “He’s the worst playboy in the pack. You know that. He’ll move on when he gets bored.”
As much as Liza hated to admit it, her friend was probably right. In which case it would have been better for Gabby and Ethan to leave their friendship strictly platonic. Gabby had always had a soft spot for him. Liza sighed. This wasn’t something she could mediate for the good of the pack. “I’m sorry,” she said softly.
Gabby looked over her shoulder to meet Liza’s eyes and nodded. “Me too.”
She went back to her chair and sat. “Let’s get to work.”
Liza let her change the subject and started sifting through the papers on her desk. She sighed. For all intents and purposes, she was the pack’s police chief and administrator, and as such not much more than a bureaucrat. What had made her think she actually wanted this job? The papers were nothing but busy work. Patrol reports. Incident reports. Requests for new training equipment. The hours passed at a crawl, but finally it was late enough to head down to the pack circle.
A small crowd was already hanging out, including both alphas and her father. She couldn’t help but be suspicious when she couldn’t find Zach or Jonas. She glanced at her watch constantly while she chatted with Gabby. Fifteen minutes. Ten. They finally entered the clearing with three minutes to spare. Neither appeared injured, but Zach’s smirk was too satisfied for something not to be going on.
Jonas bowed low to her. “I withdraw my challenge.”
What the fuck? Jonas had been gunning for her for years and he was passing up his chance now? She glared at Zach. Her power pulsed through her, and for a minute she was afraid she would lose control of it. Caleb said something, she missed the words while she struggled for control, and the crowd slipped away until only she, Caleb, and Zach were left.
“You shouldn’t have interfered,” she told Zach. “That was mine to deal with.”
She was proud of herself for saying it so calmly, and he had the good sense to look a little nervous.
“Don’t!” She held a hand up to forestall his excuses and took a deep breath. “Just leave before I decide to beat up on you instead. I need to calm down before I can talk to you.”
Caleb snickered, and she spun around to glare at him. “You were in on this?”
“Oh no.” He waved a hand between her and Zach. “This is between you two. A demonstration might be exactly what he needs.”
“You’re on her side?” Zach’s voice was incredulous.
Caleb shrugged. “You can’t protect her by undermining her position in the pack.”
Zach growled and pulled his sweater over his head. “Fine. Let’s see what she can do.”
Laughing, she flexed her hands and circled him. After the last few days, this was exactly what she needed. She watched him move, studied him before she considered her first shot. He moved with fluid grace, but he favored his right side. It was subtle but there. In a serious fight, she would have taken advantage of it.
Instead she spun around him and hit him in the kidney, hard enough to debilitate another man but just enough to piss him off. She barely avoided his return attack, his heel just grazing her shin.
“Remember what I said about scratches? That applies now too.”
“Well, that’s hardly fair,” she said softly letting her voice go husky, letting her powers amplify the attraction that was always there between them. He stumbled and she took advantage of his distraction. She hit him in the chest before he recovered.
“That wasn’t fair.”
She shrugged. She’d fight dirty if that was the difference between life and death. Or proving she could take on those fights. But she felt so guilty using her power against her mate that she vowed not to do it again.
They continued to circle each other, to occasionally jab or kick. It was clear they were both holding back. She wasn’t sure why. Measuring each other? Wearing each other down? Or was it because, as mates, neither really wanted to fight the other?
She let her thoughts distract her and he caught it, moved in with a quick sweep of her legs that landed her on her ass. She rolled out of the way just in time and didn’t realize until that moment that though Caleb had sent the onlookers away, they’d returned.
Ethan yelled at her. “Oh, come on, Liza! If it was me, you’d be beating me into the ground!”
Shaking her head, she grinned at him. He was right. Gabby, standing at his side, slapped him in the chest with the back of her hand. “Shut up. She doesn’t need you to distract her.”
Ethan snickered. “He’s doing that well enough on his own. I don’t need to help.”
Insulting, aggravating words, but they were absolutely right. She was reluctant to really fight Zach. She was holding back.
“Am I distracting you, kitten?” Zach asked with a grin. “Are you holding back?”
He clearly thought she wasn’t. She shrugged and walked around him. “I’d hate to hurt you and have to listen to you whine in bed tonight.”
Caleb laughed. She ignored him, but Zach turned to glare. “You aren’t helping.”
“Was I supposed to?” Caleb asked with an innocent look. “Liza, darling, could we get this over with? I skipped lunch.”
“With pleasure,” she answered, smiling much too sweetly. Zach flinched.
Her next strikes were harder, faster, and so were his. She felt a hint of claws on her throat and knew he’d drawn blood, but she also knew by his horrified expression he hadn’t meant to. It didn’t matter. It wasn’t like she hadn’t felt claws and teeth in a challenge before. The only thing that mattered was ending this quickly.
But it went on. Neither willing to yield and neither using their full strength. And slowly she came to realize that it didn’t matter. The only way she could defeat him was with her full strength, and in a quick decisive fight. If she were lucky.
She was tiring. Slowly wearing down. He hadn’t even broken a sweat. She could get really dirty and go for his leg, that bad right knee, but she didn’t think even that would be enough. Then she realized. He was born to be alpha, just like Caleb. Only circumstance had him second on the totem pole. That made her panic a little. It was quickly squelched, but still there.
She barely ducked his next jab. Her return punch caught his shoulder as he turned into another strike. His eyes glowed and she grinned. She’d caught him by surprise with that one, but she could tell by his expression he wasn’t about to let her get away with it, mate or not. His next series of attacks was fast and furious, his hands and feet making contact twice as often as hers.
Sweat dripped down her neck. Her face was hot with exertion. She jumped back, and again they circled each other. Ethan still called from the sidelines and she caught a glimpse of Caleb’s face. Intent. Watchful. As if he was ready to call an end to the match at any moment.
She focused on Zach. He just looked…resigned. Her powers were growing, and she thought she knew what he was thinking. He didn’t want to fight her, but he figured it was the best way to prove she couldn’t handle being paladin. It pissed her off. Okay. Fine. He was stronger and fa
ster than she was. So was Caleb. But Caleb and Zach were supposed be stronger than her. You couldn’t have pack leaders of equal strength with anyone else in the pack. There would be constant war.
Worry crept into Zach’s expression and she took advantage of it. Lashing out with her left leg, she caught him in the sternum. He staggered but kept his feet. His eyes were intent and determined when he circled again. This time he attacked first, the punch hitting her back just high of her kidney.
It stung. To that point, she hadn’t really felt the hurts of the fight, adrenaline flooding her system like a shield. This one she felt and other dull throbs were beginning to make themselves known. She didn’t want the match to continue until she was so worn down that she couldn’t fight back. How humiliating would that be? She wasn’t about to concede unless she was forced to either. Her pride wouldn’t stand for that.
Again she thought of his right knee. Was it his Achilles’ heel? She’d half decided to find out when he moved close, so fast she reacted much too late, and he swept her legs out from under her. She fell hard, but his big hand cradled her head as she went down. Her breath left her body in a whoosh, and he pressed her into the hard-packed earth.
“Do you yield?” he asked softly.
It should have bothered her. Should have pissed her off. No one had taken her down in a fight in longer than she could remember. But all she was aware of was his warm breath feathering over her face, his hot eyes boring into hers. The erection pressed against her belly as he held her down. She couldn’t answer. Couldn’t get her lungs or her vocal cords working right. She just lay under him, breathing hard, trying to remember what she’d been trying to prove.
“Should we do this the old-fashioned way, kitten?” His knee nudged her legs apart so he was nestled between her thighs. She gasped, suddenly so hot and horny it was an effort to make her brain function.
“I’d prefer not to have an audience,” she whispered.
“You should have gone for my knee. I could see you wanted to.” His voice was just as soft as hers had been, soft enough to not carry to the crowd.
He sighed. “You can’t hesitate, Liza. Ever.”
“I know.” She nodded. He was right. “Could we get up now?”
He just watched her until she huffed. She didn’t want to fight him anymore anyway. Her body had…other ideas. “Fine. I yield.” She let her voice carry to the onlookers, and he stood, pulled her to her feet with him.
He traced the scratch down her throat to her collarbone. “I thought I warned you about this.” His grin was slow, full of sin and promise. She fought the urge to press her legs together.
“Mmm. I believe you did,” Caleb whispered behind her, his hands settling on her hips.
People approached and introduced themselves to Zach, but she found it hard to focus on them. It took her several minutes to get a grip on the need raging through her body, to figure out it was their pheromones swamping her with lust. She hissed her displeasure, and Zach shot her a guilty look. They’d done it on purpose to knock her off balance. She was ready to break free of Caleb’s grip and stalk off when Jonas walked up. She immediately went on alert, tensing for a fight.
He nodded at her, then Zach, his face and eyes wary. “I forgot how well you handle yourself, Liza.”
Was that supposed to be a compliment? She didn’t say a word, just waited him out.
His lips curved in the slightest grin. “I suppose I should thank someone for saving my ass from humiliation.”
“I suppose you should.” She couldn’t help the way her lips twitched in response.
He glanced at Zach, but didn’t say the words. “I’m going wandering a bit. I’ll drop by your office in the morning to fill you in on my patrol area and team.”
She nodded. “Okay.”
She stared after him as he left. Her nemesis gone? Just like that?
“What the hell did you say to him?” she asked Zach as they turned towards her house.
“Kitten, you don’t really expect me to answer that, do you?” His expression was so pained and guilty she laughed.
“Yes,” she replied, tucking her hand in his back jeans pocket. “I do.”
Chapter Eleven
It was a long time later, lying naked and sweaty between them, that she brought it up once more.
“You can’t do that again, Zach.”
He lifted her hand to his mouth and nipped her palm. Heat instantly unfurled in her stomach. She made her voice firm.
“You aren’t going to distract me.”
Damn werewolf senses. She could scent her growing desire. Of course, he could too. Caleb remained still and quiet, and she turned her head to look at him. She didn’t have a clue from his expression what he was thinking, but he definitely was.
He shrugged. “I already said this is between y’all.”
She smiled. She knew him better than anyone. “And it’s killing you to stay out of it, isn’t it?”
“Maybe.” His lips curled in a teasing half smile. “I’d like to make you quit. I’d like to keep you close where I can always protect you.”
“Exactly,” Zach added, but Caleb glared at him and he didn’t continue. Wasn’t that interesting?
He went on before she could protest. “But I know that would make you miserable and I know you can take care of yourself.” He reached across her and tapped Zach’s chest. “Unlike some people.”
Zach rolled his eyes. And just like that, she felt like a spectator at a tennis match. It would have been funny if they weren’t dissecting her life as if she weren’t even there.
“Fine. She can fend for herself. The point is she doesn’t have to.”
“She does have to. That’s who she is.”
“She’ll get over it.”
“You wouldn’t expect her, or me for that matter, to make you change who you are to make our lives less complicated.”
“You’re different,” Zach said darkly. “And you know it.”
“Enough!” She sat up and glared first at Caleb before turning to Zach. “You did not get a tame puppy for a mate. Get over it.”
She took a deep breath and forced herself to wait a few seconds before she said something she’d regret later. “Caleb is right. I wouldn’t ask you to change. I need you to accept me as I am.”
That he didn’t want her as she was hurt as much as thinking Caleb didn’t want her because she couldn’t shift.
“Oh, kitten, that’s not it,” he whispered, pulling her down and wrapping his arms around her. “You’re perfect the way you are. I couldn’t stand to lose you.”
“And you don’t trust me to take care of myself.”
“I trust you,” he said grudgingly. “It’s everyone else I don’t trust.”
She sighed. “I really can take care of myself, you know.”
He waited so long she didn’t expect him to reply. “I know. But if you ever again hesitate like you did today, I swear I’ll spank your pretty ass and you won’t be able to sit for two weeks.”
His hands slid down her back to grip and knead her butt. She laughed. The threat didn’t have the effect he was going for. It sounded more like a promise to her. His responding growl was low and not at all menacing.
He rolled over and pressed her into the mattress, holding her hips still when she wiggled to get free. His erection nudged her sex, and she held her breath, waiting for him to enter her.
“The question is…how much do you trust us, sweetheart?” Caleb drawled.
Oh gods. She knew that tone. She turned her head to meet his gaze and her heart started to race. “What did you have in mind?”
He wasn’t smiling anymore, wasn’t teasing anymore or badgering Zach to accept her as she was. There was pure male demand in his eyes, a refusal to be denied, and every cell in her body came alive seeing it.
Without a word, he left the bed and went to the dresser drawer that held he
r toy collection. Worried about what he’d come back with — some of that stuff was not for the faint of heart — she bit her bottom lip. She had to. If she didn’t, she’d demand answers and they were playing by his rules now. He returned and dropped several items on the bedside table.
“Up,” he ordered.
With a reluctant sigh, Zach moved and helped her sit up, but cocked an eyebrow in interest when he looked at the nightstand. “Kinky it is,” he said softly.
Caleb gave him a considering look. “You know, you’re the one with the bigger trust issues here.”
Zach laughed. “Forget it, babe. I’ll do a lot for you. Submission isn’t one of them.”
“He gets to choose and I don’t? That’s hardly fair.”
It wasn’t really a complaint, and Caleb knew it. He snorted and returned to the drawer. She took the chance to look over at what he’d already got out. Vibrator, cuffs, one — no, two — floggers. He returned with nipple clamps.
“Zach doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body, but you my dear…”
He didn’t have to finish the sentence, and they both knew it. Still, she didn’t want anyone to get the impression this was normal for her. “Only with you.”
He smiled, unscrewing the clamp and kneeling down before her. “I know.”
Then there was that rushing bite of pain as he retightened the clamp. His tongue stroked over her, soothing, before he moved to her other breast and repeated the process. He stood and pulled her to her feet.
“Zach, go grab a stool from the kitchen.”
While Zach hurried out, Caleb picked up an anal plug and tube of lubricant. He smiled when he turned back to her, and Zach walked in with the stool. He set it in the middle of the room, and she wondered if he knew what Caleb was up to. Had they done this together before? With whom? She repressed a surge of jealousy. It was before me. It doesn’t matter. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Caleb could read her mind though.
“Wondering if we’ve done this before?”
She shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You’re mine now.”
He gave her a cocky grin while sliding a hand up the inside of her leg. From her knee to thigh, he left of trail of awareness. He rotated his wrist and his fingers brushed over the tiny curls covering her pussy, then returned to spread the lips. She groaned and shifted closer, but he denied her with a chuckle that was heavy with satisfaction.